Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Armed and Dangerous

This one popped up in my Facebook memories from three years ago. I thought it very appropriate to re-post as we take on the challenge of ending the year STRONG through spiritual warfare strategies!

Check it out!

These words have been ringing in my head ever since our pastor said them a few weeks back.  Placing them side by side with the conjunction “and” seemed to make them more powerful.  When you think about a civilian that might carry a concealed firearm, these words may come to mind.  The weapon makes them armed.  The fact that they know how to use it makes them dangerous.
            With that picture painted let’s see this in the spirit.  We are supposed to be soldiers in God’s army.  Soldiers are armed and they are certainly dangerous as their training makes them such.  If you’re a Christian that the enemy doesn’t consider armed and dangerous then it’s time for a spiritual check-up.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

            As Christians we are armed with spiritual weapons, our faith, prayers, praise, fasting, the Word and obedience to name a few.  If we know that we possess these weapons then we would consider ourselves armed.  If we understood just how powerful these weapons were and we had the right relationship with God then we’d know just how dangerous we are.  We’d understand the attacks against our lives and purpose.  We’d understand the necessity to keep our relationship with Christ solid and we’d understand why we couldn’t just tuck tale and run hiding our weapons behind our fears.  That civilian that carries that concealed weapon is no longer fearful about what the day may bring because they know they possess the capabilities of defending their life should the need arise.  So it is in the spirit if we know and are secure in our spiritual weapons.
            Not only do we have these weapons that can break chains, tear down walls, open doors and shut them, we have the Creator of all we know backing them.  Just like a firearm comes with a manufacturer’s warranty so does our spiritual weapons.  The eternal warranty we have is backed by the Great I AM, the God who is whatever we need.  The Lord God strong and mighty, the Lord God mighty in battle.  The alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the author and the finisher of our faith, the God who knew us before we were formed in the womb, need I go on?
            One thing we must be careful of.  A person who is armed and dangerous can also be a danger to others if they are not trained.  If someone walks around with a firearm that they’ve never shot or trained with they are not only a danger to others but themselves.  So as it is with a soldier in God’s army who never trains with their spiritual weapons or communicates with God.  Those who are Christians are those who try daily to be like Christ.  Without that one very important caveat one is simply a person that believes in God.  That person cannot be armed and dangerous in the spirit or a threat to the kingdom of darkness.  That person is simply marking time waiting for their appointment with eternity. 
            I don’t know about you but when I chose salvation I know I enlisted in God’s army and I want to be an effective Christian that’s armed and dangerous that the enemy knows and fears.  I didn’t sign up for this journey to be scared and live in fear.  I signed up for this to know my Creator and to walk in dominion.  To do what He called me to do and to win souls for the kingdom of God.  I encourage you Christians out there to spend time daily with the one true living God and to exercise the weapons at your disposal because we wrestle not against flesh and blood.  We can win this spiritual battle in the spirit.  We are more than conquerors, we are equipped therefore we are armed and dangerous!  Now let’s drop the fear and pick up the fight!

Melinda Michelle
Author. Speaker. Life Coach


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